
5/26 | 朋克不死,因为他们在房中有 秘 ?术?

OIL油 OIL油 2023-06-14

Poster by Shiiin      

#EBM #electro #future punk #techno

 #industrial #club




Parrish Smith | Boiler Room x Dekmantel 2019

开放包容的心态以及出众的理解力,这对于富有“探险家”心态的Parrish Smith来说是一项驾轻就熟的能力。作为多元文化后裔,从小性格内向的Parrish Smith在家庭环境的耳熏目染下穿梭于灵魂乐、加勒比海音乐、摇滚音乐、印度音乐中的海洋中,同时也从兄弟姐妹那里接触到了流行的R&B,从 UK Garage顺藤摸瓜地接触到了英国锐舞音乐的广阔场景。

而在唱片店与朋克、工业音乐的邂逅更是深刻地影响了他的音乐生涯。时至今日,朋克与工业音乐无论是从音乐的外在形态还是精神内核上,都为Parrish Smith的演出和创作提供了极为厚重的底色,同时也成为了Parrish Smith音乐光谱中最为迷人的一部分。

ParrishSmith_SRNDPTClub_by @fabiomen_creations

除了有时能够很幸运地在俱乐部或音乐节的现场中听到从DJ台上的Parrish Smith手中的麦克风传来的朋克之声外,Parrish Smith还与阿姆斯特丹重量级音乐厂牌Knekelhuis的主理人Mark Knekelhuis共同组成了Volition Immanent团体,这个二人组用扭曲的合成器粗粝声响与暴躁不妥协的朋克嘶吼横扫了无数俱乐部与音乐节的现场。

Volition Immanent live | Katharsis in concert [2020]

2022年,Parrish Smith如同“十年磨一剑”般,在Dekmantel发行了自己的首张专辑《Light, Cruel & Vain》,而这张专辑正是以一种乐队般的形式,与Sofiane Brahmi 和 Javier Vivancos两位艺术家合作完成的。这张专辑同样展现出了Parrish Smith那横跨多种流派,却又在其中维持着“拒绝将一种影响置于另一种影响之上”的微妙平衡,其多元化取向体现地相当明显。无论是以DJ的身份还是以制作人的身份,Parrish Smith都真实燃烧着自己忠于内心的朋克之魂。

About Parrish Smith (Swipe for more)

No elitism, No prejudices, No 4/4, No genre, hypnotic, tense, comprehensible, a state of mind.

Whilst cap­ti­vat­ing audi­ences with music that is both intense and hyp­not­ic, Par­rish Smith embarks on a rather suc­cess­ful jour­ney of cre­at­ing spaces where walls are torn down and prej­u­dices are non-existent. Dur­ing this unique ven­ture into the broad spec­trum of elec­tron­i­ca, Smith is able to dis­play his take on var­i­ous lay­ers of elec­tron­ic music with extreme per­cep­tive subtlety. These uniques spaces cre­at­ed by Par­rish Smith are char­ac­ter­ized by his deter­mi­na­tion to design music that escapes the hold and bias­es found in con­tem­po­rary tech­no. His music enables you to think dif­fer­ent­ly whilst let­ting go of any nar­row-mind­ed and lim­it­ed perspectives. Emo­tion and inten­si­ty are the true pre­dom­i­nant fac­tors in Par­rish Smith’s music. These two cat­a­lysts come to fruition in, not only con­tem­po­rary tech­no but even enable Par­rish to maneu­ver him­self amongst dif­fer­ent styles of music. From film scor­ing to sound­tracks, Par­rish Smith rec­og­nizes that his strength comes from com­bin­ing emo­tion and inten­si­ty, thus result­ing in projects that are inspi­ra­tional in their truest form.Elit­ism is for the weak. It is para­mount that you always stay true to your­self and your music. Fol­low­ing these major mantras, Par­rish Smith rep­re­sents a beau­ti­ful and true exam­ple of the punk mentality.



与一系列从俱乐部起家的DJ不太一样,Paàl的DJ生涯始于那些在柏林墙倒塌后被废弃的机库的和厂房废墟中的一系列DIY派对。此时开始声名鹊起的Paàl在与他的三位好友Christoph, Martin, 和 Marcus的共同努力下, 顺势创立了VOITAX厂牌。早年VOITAX的发行多以实体黑胶唱片为主,突出一种粗粝狂野的声音美学,与其诞生发迹的废墟野派对如出一辙。

Paàl @ HÖR BERLIN[2021]

Midnight Shift x Voitax

Paàl + Cressida [2019.10.31]

Paàl b2b DJ Spit 


Midnight Shift x Voitax

Paàl [2022.12.13]

Midnight Shift x Voitax

Paàl  [2020.04.03]

TripSixVivo xPaàl[2022.08.30]


Paàl [2023.03.18]

在打理厂牌多年后,他的首张 EP“Fitz Roy”于 2018 年在 VOITAX发行。这是一张“粗中有细”的音乐作品,在复杂的声音设计和破碎的金属质感节拍中暗藏着足够让舞池陷入疯狂的高能量曲目。这张EP在全球范围内备受好评。而从那些粗糙而凶悍的声音中我们估计也猜得到:Paàl对硬件音乐有着永恒的热情。原始且未经编辑的声音中固有的不完美,在他的音乐中呈现出一种别样且必不可少的质感。

两年后,Paàl在新加坡知名音乐厂牌 Midnight Shift Records 发行了他的第二张个人六轨 EP“Soothing Songs For A Cultured Affair”。它充满了黑暗和破碎的声音,继承了Paàl 所偏爱的脏污且富有侵略性的野性音色,但又带有一丝温暖和幽默与旋律化表达。

而这种创作上的变化也暗示了Paàl的音乐思维并不局限在固有模式中,而他在DJ时更是如此:Paàl 将自己定位为一个一丝不苟的Selector,他不拘一格的纯黑胶唱片 DJ Sets 跨越多种节奏和流派,并见证了他在亚洲、欧洲、南美洲的一系列巡回演出,以及频繁于Berghain与Tresor这些知名场地度过的夜晚。不管是他钟爱的老派锐舞唱片,还是狂野的Hardcore,或者是彻夜舞动后温柔的日出时刻,他都可以在DJ台上自如驾驭。

About Paàl (Swipe for more)

Paàl is one of Voitax’s founders, an avid vinyl collector and tireless DJ. Those who have experienced his sets will know his uncanny ability to adapt and move with the crowd. This is an artist who is comfortable drawing out long transitions between deeper movements, as he is rapidly cutting between high-energy, dancefloor bombs. At peak moments, tracks are mixed within minutes and somehow, before you know it, a whole variety of rhythmic electronics has been transformed into drum machine workouts, while not limiting himself to any genre. This is his relentless sound: wild and boundless – one that is also showcased with flair in his studio productions.

Following on from a string of remixes and V/A appearances, his debut EP, ‘Fitz Roy’ was released on Voitax in 2018 – featuring complex sound design, metallic broken beats and frenzied, peak-time dancefloor tracks. The EP was widely supported globally.

Two years later, comes his second solo six-track EP, 'Soothing Songs For A Cultured Affair' on Midnight Shift Records. Awashed with a palate of dark and broken sounds, yet with touches of warmth and humor, it burrows deep into the mind of the artist. Paàl’s penchant for thunderous, rumbling low ends sets the precedent for the EP, with glimpses of the artist’s knack for melodies and harmonies.

As you could guess from his ever-growing analog studio setup, Paàl’s has an undying passion for hardware – drum machines, synths and pedals tracked through a mixing desk, raw and unedited. Imperfections intrinsic to this process are essential to him – warm, organic and, at times, lo-fi and grainy.

His first DJ gigs were at DIY raves held in air hangars and derelict structures left over from the fallout of the DDR. Having quickly garnered a name for himself, and fuelled by a relentless drive, Paàl and his friends Christoph, Martin, and Marcus turned their attention towards setting up a record label they called Voitax Records – and the rest, as they say, is history. The label has since become synonymous with off-kilter electronics, attested by its global support.

Establishing himself as a meticulous selector, Paàl eclectic vinyl-only DJ sets span multiple tempos and genres and have seen him touring Asia, South America and Europe, including a stint in the seminal Berlin institution, Berghain. Expect to hear more from this talent.

常驻香港的Authur Yeti 是泛亚音乐与创意团体Yeti Out的创始人之一。始于东伦敦的Yeti Out系列派对如今正在积极壮大亚洲的地下电子音乐场景,同时将每场派对充满欢欣的清晨与夜晚炼化成酷炫的艺术作品。

Yeti Out团体的三位主创


Arthur Yeti @ FM BELOWGROUND [2021]

Yeti Out除了在NTS电台上有着一档常驻节目外,也在香港运营着一个名为FM BELOWGROUND的社区电台。而Yeti Out 旗下厂牌 Silk Road Sound 则致力于音乐发行,在香港这座不夜城的塑造创意文化的青年运动中,将电子音乐的边缘、后朋克与实验舞曲微妙地连接了起来。

位于香港置地广场地下的 FM Belowground

Silk Road Sounds 厂牌发行一览

泰然路Ghetto TV不知名男主播,OIL Crew吃辣水平倒数第二名,喜欢不怎么高雅的高速低音音乐。在深圳本地场景摸爬滚打多年,目标是有朝一日通过放歌给不同人留下不同的刻板印象。不建议在他上钟之前灌他喝酒,除非你希望看到他bpm飙升失速跑马或者上头后播放弱智trance edit。


OIL Soundsystem新晋成员,digging的起点严格意义上讲是童年时期一张塞满四百首低音质曲目的压缩碟,多年来音乐呈现形式与载体的转变使得“压缩碟”摇身一变化为容纳千余轨音波的“存储器”。






 3 ROOMS EVENT22:00 - Late 


 Parrish Smith + Paàl 

- Line Up -

 Parrish Smith 

[Dekmental/ Knekelhuis/ L.I.E.S./ Bassiani/ 47, Amsterdam] 


[VOITAX, Berlin]

 Arthur Yeti 






 - Ticket - 

早鸟 Early Bird - ¥80(已售罄)

预售 Advanc- ¥100

普通票 On Door(Before 00:00 前) - ¥120

OIL 2023年5月活动预告

OIL 2023 May Events Calendar

D1S pres.



Antigen 5 Year Anniversary: ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U+ENDGAME


House in da small house

5/27|ROOM 2




老油1号: 186 1715 0566

小油2号: 181 3843 5193

